Openmesh Overview

Openmesh as an open data initiative


Today a handful of corporations control 90% of the world's data and IT infrastructure and we are expected to trust them. This is not just bad for business; it's bad for everyone. Information asymmetry has led to social inequality, scandals, polarization, and corruption. Sometimes, it has even led to war. Centralized data control acts as a potential chokepoint for innovation, raises privacy concerns, and creates a bottleneck for the free flow of data.

We envision a world where data is open, decentralized, and beneficial to everyone, not just a select few. This isn't solely about technology but rather about shaping the next 10-20 years of the internet, preserving democracy, and ensuring a free flow of information for generations to come.

Data & information is the most valuable commodity in the world. Without quality, reliable data all webpages, apps, and the entire internet will stop working. We believe, access to reliable unedited information is a fundamental right- an aspect of a free and democratic society. The Core Principles of Openmesh, by design, has no single authority that can alter its data, how the information is distributed or controlled, or who can see what and when. The infrastructure and entire technology stack is open-source and governed by an open-source community.

Openmesh is a full-stack, decentralized data cloud infrastructure built on a global network of bare metal servers. It is the largest open data lake, covering approximately 80% of the entire crypto and web3 ecosystem today. Openmesh enables anyone to create their own decentralized data cloud, connect globally, share data securely, slash deployment costs, and automate data cloud setup. The Openmesh Network is designed to collect, store, process, stream, and provide data connectivity for anyone, anywhere, anytime, without the need for registration, licensing, or payments. Think of Openmesh as the internet's open data fabric. It grants universal access and prevents interferences created by regulators, governments, corporations, and even its own creators. The possibilities are endless.

Over the last three years, the focus has been on Web3 data, encompassing cryptocurrency financial data, public blockchains, decentralized finance, and blockchain games. In 2023 and 2024, we aim to expand our data coverage to include public health and scientific research data. Openmesh is designed to safeguard billions of pieces of global data, transactions, historical records, and other essential information, making it accessible to anyone. Openmesh's Unified APIs allow anyone to access data from anywhere, anytime, without any restrictions, registrations, or licenses. The infrastructure development tools, like Xnode, enables developers to build their own decentralized data clouds with data connectivity, data APIs, and query & analytics engines in mere minutes, instead of weeks or months. They pay only for computing and storage, sidestepping licensing and setup fees. Xnode facilitates a 10-15 fold cost reduction in running and operating data clouds and can save on over 95% of deployment time.

Openmesh's 8 Commandments

  1. Decentralized Infrastructure as a Foundation. No single authority can alter the data, its services & the network

  2. Censorship Resistance by Design. Peer-to-peer structure, end-to-end encryption, immutable records, distributed authority

  3. Accessibility for All (Democracy and Equality). Accessible to everyone, anywhere, KYC, licensing, or payments, location, background

  4. Composability & Interoperability by Design. Compatibility with various networks, devices and systems

  5. Transparency by Design. All operations, and financials, including salaries and infrastructure costs, are public.

  6. Local Interconnectivity. Direct communication between neighbouring nodes, optimizing data routing & file sharing

  7. Redundancy and Reliability in Network Design. Multiple data pathways and nodes to ensure continuous data accessibility

  8. Self-Healing Systems & Sustainability. Automatically adjusting and recovering from changes

  9. Continuous Improvements for Scalability. Accommodate growth and diverse data types. Economic and Incentive models

  10. Community Governance. Governed by its community of users, developers

Why Openmesh?

The internet has brought both unprecedented connectivity and a new culture to our world. Someone in the 90s would not have been able to imagine that streaming a video from their bedroom could generate more income than that of a doctor. Fast forward to today’s age, some YouTubers have more influence than politicians.

In the hyper-connected world today, if you get beaten by a police officer on the street and someone records and streams it, it's no longer just a local police department disciplinary issue; it can lead to a diplomatic crisis between nations.

The internet has changed the world for the better, for the most part. But it also comes with a price. Even though big Web 2.0 players may have ethical and moral codes, they still control who sees what, when, and why. Companies like Facebook and Google are the world's most powerful companies because, within the last 3 years, data has surpassed oil in value.

“The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”

These big companies have authority and influence over the world’s data and information, and we are expected to trust them. Their advertising-based business models, personalized ads, represent over 60% of internet-generated revenue. Their “proprietary” algorithms are specifically designed to increase engagement regardless of its impact on their users.

Data is centralized.

Today, large data players like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft control over 85% of Internet data. That is more than 100 zettabytes and growing exponentially.

Selling our attention, prediction of our future behavior, actions, and perception to advertisers for profit is the bottom line. We are the product and the puppets of algorithms.

Information asymmetry has demonstrated social inequality, scandals, polarization, and corruption have even sometimes led to war. With an enormous amount of concentrated data and information, surveillance capitalism has come to shape politics and culture. Sadly, the more power you have, the more information you can gain, leading to an advantage for only a few individuals, entities, and societies. Sure some say that’s how the world works. Maybe. But we have come a long way from kings & pharaohs. Today, most have access to information, thanks to the internet, which was only available for presidents or VIPs in the 60s.

The next generation of the web-

Web 3.0 is here.

It is early and estimated to be more complex and impactful than Web 2.0. The current web is centered around the “sharing of information.” Web 3.0 is extending this to “share of information + value.” It will introduce more advanced industries than the current Web 2.0. Imagine the futuristic business applications we have yet to discover.

Building a petabyte-scale decentralized, immutable data infrastructure.

The next generation of the web (Web 3.0) is far more complicated and powerful. We should not underestimate the power and the core principles of decentralization. Distributed ledger technologies (DLT), smart contracts, scalable public blockchains, and movements toward decentralization will play a crucial role in the next 10-20 years of the internet.

With the use of cryptographic principles, distributed ledger technologies, and modern decentralized data architecture (data mesh), we have an opportunity and a small window of time to create a New Era of data infrastructure standards for Web 3.0.

Instead of putting all trust and faith in corporations and the people behind running them, we should embrace Open Data Protocols & Infrastructures with built-in trust, security, transparency, and traceability by design. The data should be immutable, and governance of the Protocol, management, and development execution of the roadmap should not have a single authority.

Building Open Data Protocols and Infrastructures will not only open doors for new industries and exponential growth in web3, but it will also help to legitimize the industry. I believe access to quality, unedited information, is a fundamental right, and you should NOT have to pay for it.

Why should we care?

Technologies no longer double every decade. In Web 3.0's world, some technology adoption cycles are completed in less than 18 months.

If the semantic web is inevitable and far more complex than the current web, we all have a responsibility to pay attention to how Web 3.0 data will be governed and used. We should do our best to introduce appropriate standards, protocol design, and principles to establish a good foundation for the future of web3 data.

In the Web 2.0 era, innovators had amazing opportunities to invent “what is a database” and “how a web page should rank.” I believe we all have the same opportunity and responsibility today to invent, define, question, and build better technologies.

Access to information has improved societies for centuries. We all should acknowledge and do better.

“Access to truthful, unedited information is a fundamental right.”

Introduction to Openmesh

Openmesh is building a decentralized data infrastructure aimed at storing important global data without a middleman, starting with Web3 data.

Openmesh Network is designed to collect, cryptographically store, process, stream and provide data connectivity for anyone, anywhere, anytime, without registration, licensing, or payments. Think of Openmesh as the internet's open data fabric.

Over the last three years, the focus has been on Web3 data, covering cryptocurrency financial data, public blockchains, decentralized finance, and blockchain games. And for 2023 and 2024, we aim to expand our data coverage to public health and scientific research data. Openmesh is designed to safeguard billions of global data, transactions, historical records, and other essential data making it available to anyone. It grants everyone access and prevents interference by regulations, governments, corporations, and even its own creators. The possibilities are endless.

Openmesh Unified APIs allow anyone to access data from anywhere, anytime without any restriction, registration, or license. The infrastructure developer tools like Xnode allow developers to build their own decentralized data cloud with data connectivity, data APIs, query & analytics engines in minutes instead of weeks/months, and pay only for computing and storage, instead of licensing and setup fees. Xnode enables 10-15 fold cost reduction for running and operating data clouds and saves over 95% of deployment times.

Data scientists can use Openmesh’s open-source analytics applications like Pythia to design, build, and store their own crypto and Web3 data products. Pythia Search functions like Google, allowing you to ask anything and get answers instantly.

All the tools and stacks are open source and available for anyone to build, innovate, and connect. All project roadmap, funding, and governance of the project are public and transparent. We see a world where data is out in the open, decentralized, and that benefits everyone, not just a chosen few. This isn't just about technology; it's about shaping the next 10-20 years of the internet, preserving democracy, and ensuring a free flow of information for generations to come.

What type of data does Openmesh aims to store and cover?

Openmesh stores all transactional data in Web 3.0. Current Openmesh data coverage could be found here.

Data Sources

Decentralized Finance

All financial transactions including wallets, assets, liquidity, value locked, asset transfers, asset custody

Decentralized Crypto Exchanges

All financial transaction, liquidity, assets, asset transfers, wallets

Centralized Crypto Exchanges

Order books, trade data, transactional data, candle stick, ticker, inflow and outflow data

Blockchain Games

Games, user assets, user activities, game asset classifications, game assets transfers, in-game transactions


Metaverse assets, transactions, user activities


All oracle transactions

Public Blockchains

Block size, block events, asset transfers, wallet addresses, blockchain confirmations, smart contract events

More information about Web 3.0 data can be found here on our medium page.

How Openmesh does it

Openmesh collects data from major sources like Coinbase, Binance (centralized exchanges), DEX (decentralized exchanges), major blockchains, and Web 3.0-related industries like blockchain games, decentralized finance, metaverses, etc.

All the data lives in a decentralized data lakehouse, secured by cryptographic methods and managed by an open-source community. The core instructor resources are divided into mini servers as “Nodes''. Anyone can access, run a node or support a node. The Openmesh Protocol’s consensus mechanism manages the governance and the utility of the protocol. Users and node operators have appropriate incentives to support, manage and maintain. The raw data is uneditable. As long as nodes are running, not even the internal team or any government can shut it down. As long as nodes are running, the data will live forever. We are building something similar to Wayback Machine with an immutable data framework.

On top of our data infrastructure, we build middleware, open indexing libraries, query engines, and APIs so people can test, build, and deploy data products and services at scale.

How Openmesh works

Openmesh Protocol, by design, has no single authority that can alter its data, how the information is distributed or controlled, or who can see what and when. The infrastructure is open-source and governed by an open-source community.

Unlike traditional monolithic data infrastructures that handle the consumption, storage, transformation, and output of data in one central data lake and controlled by a small group of people, Openmesh's self-serve design and data mesh architecture supports distributed, domain-specific data consumers and views “data-as-a-product,” with each domain handling their own data pipelines.

When a user is provisioning a node, it installs the core systems, low-level communications, and applications required to collect and process data onto the compute node and then adds the compute node to the cluster. The self-serve design allows users to reduce technical complexities making users able to focus on their individual data use cases. This architecture allows greater autonomy and flexibility for end users and data owners, facilitating greater data experimentation and innovation.

The current Openmesh Infrastructure (v3) covers approximately 70% of the entire crypto and Web 3.0 transactions today. We are collecting between 0.8-2.5 terabytes of data per day, and we estimate that we will soon reach the petabyte scale.

Core Functionalities of Openmesh

  1. Xnode

Design, develop, deploy, connect, and manage decentralized data clouds, APIs, in any region in minutes, not months. Pay only for bare metal servers. No license, no setup fees.

  1. UnifiedAPIs

A single endpoint for all crypto & web3 data, accessible to anyone, anywhere, always free. No license, no registration, no setup fees.

  1. Pythia

Design, build, visualize, and deploy powerful Web3 data products. Pythia is a powerhouse analytics & query engine that transforms raw data into actionable insights.

Openmesh journey

We have been in the blockchain and crypto space since 2015. For years, we had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to obtain reliable data from centralized data providers. We struggled with data quality, availability, and fair price. Often we wait for weeks for the data providers' internal support tickets to get fixed. Some common data feeds cost us a few thousand dollars per month. We quite couldn't figure out why the data was so expensive. Further, when we ask how accurate the data is from these centralized data providers, we often hear, “we are professionals; we have the best tech, and all our data is accurate.” There wasn’t any way for us to know if the data that we paid for was accurate or not. We had no choice but to accept and hope the centralized data companies were telling the truth.

However, time and time again, we face numerous issues with data quality and cost. At the end of 2020, we reached our limit with our frustration. We decided to build a data lake for ourselves. We thought it would take only a few months to build. Months turned into more than a year. With many iterations, trial and error with sleepless nights, we figured out the core design and operation principles to build a data infrastructure that’s efficient and scalable.

Today, we cover 70%+ of the entire crypto and Web 3.0 transactional data market, and we are the only Web3 Open data Protocol to date. Our next phase is to expand our data coverage, introduce data mesh architecture and go fully decentralized infrastructure.

However, we have so much to do and need to overcome many challenges. Openmesh v4 will be a significant milestone of the project.

Importance and urgency of defining how Web 3.0 data should look like and be used

Why is addressing data asymmetry important, and why should we act now?

We underestimate the power of data. We believe data is one of the most valuable commodities in the world. Defining how Web 3.0 data should be stored, shared, and distributed is very important. We are in a major transition period, going from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

Monopolistic Web 2.0 companies like Google, Yahoo, Oracle, and Microsoft took the opportunity to define what a database, a computer, a search engine, and a mobile application should look like. Web 2.0 innovations opened many doors, but they also made us the product by collecting our data and using it for their bottom line. Data Sovereignty and access to immutable data are important to our future generations.

Today we have the same opportunity & responsibility as in the late 90s to define what, how, and why Web 3.0 data should be stored, shared, and distributed.

At Openmesh, we chose to use code, cryptographic methods, and decentralized open architecture design to validate and introduce “how Web 3.0 data should be stored, shared, and distributed,” not relying on people, corporations, or even governments.

We are living in a remarkable time, and democratizing data and addressing information asymmetry at a scale as the transition happens will benefit billions of people.

Self-sustaining & self-evolving open protocols without the intervention of corporations and governments are on the rise.

The true believers of the Ethereum ecosystem contribute and support R&D. Community proposed roadmap is executed by thousands of developers and running 24/7. The market capitalization of Ethereum is higher than Starbucks, Boeing, Toyota, Intel Corporation, CitiGroup, PayPal, and American Express.

We have never seen open protocol become this influential and impactful. It is the new era of open technologies that are leading the industry, not the monopolistic tech built by corporations. The self-sustaining & self-evolving open protocols are the future.

The Hype Cycle

Ethereum was invented over nine years ago. Been in over 7 years in this space, and we have learned practicality, viability, and the hype. Like all technologies undergoing transformations, Web 3.0 industries have been in hype cycles. The next cycle will bring true adoption.

“Decentralized applications'' are in the “slope of enlightenment.” We will reach the Plateau of productivity in the next 2 to 3 years. In the 2000s, when the dot-com bubble burst, everyone was extremely negative and pessimistic about web technologies and the internet industry (Web 2.0) in general. No wonder the media and public perception of crypto, Web 3.0, is extremely negative today. We are going through a major technological shift.

Unlike in the early 2000s, the world is more connected than ever. We have more tech-savvy consumers who know about the value of the privacy value of their data.

For those who missed seeing the growth of the Web 2.0 internet industry, we all are privileged to witness the next generation of the internet—Web 3.0.

At Openmesh, we aim to be the decentralized open data infrastructure powered by blockchain technology. Openmesh is the data archive and data infrastructure of Web 3.0, where anyone can access unedited, inimitable data without any intermediate.

A market for real users in Web 3.0 is emerging.

Once the hype is over, people will see the value and power of open-source, decentralized technologies. Value of open data applications, data protocol utilities, and their application. We expect, in the next two to three years, a big transformation in open data and decentralized cloud infrastructures.

Last updated