
What is Xnode?

Data and IT infrastructure are the most valuable commodities in the world. Today, four to five large corporations manage 90% of the world’s data and IT infrastructure, and we are supposed to trust them. We have a HUGE problem with that.

Openmesh Network is an open-source DePIN project, with the majority of our 26 team members based in Sydney. Our team brings diverse experience from prominent Web3 projects, including Fantom, Ripple, Ethereum, Cosmos, AWS, and Aragon.

Openmesh is a P2P immutable data and decentralized cloud network. It combines the best features of AWS, IPFS, Chainlink, BitTorrent, and Oracle Cloud into a single solution. Openmesh provides immutable data via OpenAPIs and offers Web2/Web3 Infrastructure as a Service through Xnode.

Xnode manages Openmesh network resources, including computational power and storage, across various deployment environments. Each Xnode operates as a microservice, enhancing the overall efficiency and integrity of the Openmesh network. Collectively, Xnodes form a network of data collectors, aggregators, and validators that facilitate a global system of data verification and dissemination.

The Xnode Studio is a platform for infrastructure design, development, and management solution where users can assemble Web2 and Web3 infrastructure like Lego blocks. It enables developers, startups, and enterprise users to quickly build Web2 and Web3 infrastructure such as validator nodes, data clouds, building data APIs, P2P compute and storage layers, analytic engines, hosting services in minutes rather than weeks. Users can combine complex infrastructure leveraging interconnected worldwide data centers and fiber connectivity. Xnode Studio features a powerful resource aggregation engine that scans through thousands of combinations of bare metal and cloud providers across various cities, regions, and countries to find the best resources such as compute, storage, and GPUs for your infrastructure needs, similar to how Skyscanner scans for airlines.

Xnode and Openmesh advancements, breakthroughs, and innovations are designed to accelerate the Web3 industry by building the next generation of open data and infrastructure, which will be pivotal for the next 10-20 years.

Upcoming Key Features & Innovations of Xnode v4

  1. Muti Deployment Options: Xnode's design facilitates deployment across various platforms, including bare metal, public cloud, and local computing systems. This adaptability makes it suitable for diverse technological environments

  2. Decentralized Microservices Architecture: Operating as a microservice, each Xnode contributes to the network by offering computational power and storage, and participating in essential processes like data verification and consensus maintenance

  3. Improved Rapid Infrastructure Setup: Xnode dramatically reduces the time required to establish complex infrastructures, enabling rapid and accelerating the deployment of infrastructure needs and building decentralized data clouds and analytics engines, transforming weeks of work into minutes

  4. Openmesh Data Verification: Data verification is crucial in decentralized networks to ensure that the information being shared and stored is accurate and trustworthy. Xnode will be used to participate in this process. By using Xnode, the user can help check and confirm the correctness of data in the Openmesh network, contributing to its reliability and integrity.

  5. Participate in Openmesh Network Consensus: The Openmesh network operates on a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This process involves stakeholders participating in network decisions and validations, rather than a traditional voting system. By running Xnode and engaging in the network's PoS mechanism, you play a role in securing and maintaining the network, contributing to decisions on its operation and evolution

  6. Cost-Effective Server Use: Users incur costs only for the servers, avoiding additional fees typical in cloud services like AWS, data acquisition costs, ongoing data feeds costs leading to significant cost savings.

  7. Market-Driven Resource Provisioning: Xnode will introduce a competitive marketplace for compute unit value, allowing market dynamics to determine resource provision and rental costs. This approach is set to revolutionize the compute cost factor by shifting the power of pricing from a single private company to the providers themselves. It enables a truly free market environment where costs are driven by competition and supply-demand dynamics, ensuring more fair and competitive pricing for users.

  8. Powerful Xnode Console: This user-friendly, web-based management console is central to Xnode's functionality. It allows users to intuitively design, deploy, and manage their infrastructure with drag-and-drop functionality, pre-built templates, and applications. With the upcoming Xnode v4, developers will gain the ability to further customize infrastructure templates, modules, and integrations using code, moving beyond the drag-and-drop interface. This enhancement will enable Xnode to function as an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) platform, offering greater flexibility and control for advanced customization and automation of infrastructure setups.

  9. Elastic Scalability: The flexibility of Xnode Units means they can be scaled to suit various needs, offering adaptability across a range of applications. This aspect of Xnode Units functions similarly to how AWS EC2 instances operate, allowing for dynamic scaling based on demand, thereby ensuring efficient resource utilization and cost-effectiveness.Resource Aggregation Layer: To effectively manage the donated resources, Xnode will develop a virtualized layer that aggregates these resources. This layer serves as a resource manager, pooling available compute and storage from all Xnodes. By utilizing technologies like container orchestration systems, such as Kubernetes, and virtualization software, Xnode can efficiently manage and allocate resources. This approach not only optimizes resource usage across the network but also enables a high degree of flexibility and scalability, much like cloud services offered by platforms like AWS.

  10. Integration and Management Ease: Xnode's modular architecture simplifies integration with third-party services and effective management of deployments. With the release of Xnode v4, the platform will introduce middleware, SDKs and powerful APIs, providing developers with enhanced tools for integrations. Additionally, Openmesh community governance will play a key role in determining integration priorities. This approach leverages community input to decide which integrations are most important and in demand, ensuring that the platform evolves in alignment with the needs and preferences of its user base

  11. Reward Mechanism: Users earn OPEN tokens by contributing resources to the network, incentivizing participation and seeding data.

  12. Creation of Xnode Clusters: This feature allows users to combine multiple servers into powerful resource pools, ideal for high-demand tasks like AI training, enabling quick, decentralized scaling of compute needs. If a user needs to construct large-scale compute resource layers that are decentralized and not owned by a single cloud company, and if Xnode resource providers offer affordability compared to traditional cloud services, then these Xnode Clusters can become a potent tool for social good or scientific research. Such applications of Xnode Clusters can be quite inspiring, harnessing the collective power of decentralized resources to support meaningful and impactful projects, thereby demonstrating the true potential and versatility of the Xnode ecosystem

  13. Resource Contribution to Openmesh Network: By default, each Xnode contributes a portion of its compute and storage to the network. These pooled resources power free data APIs and public services, enhancing the network's value as more Xnodes join. When a user provides these resources, they are utilized by the Openmesh Proof of Stake (PoS) system to run the network's consensus mechanism and data verification processes. This effectively transforms every Xnode into a validator node within the Openmesh network. As a result, all Xnode users become eligible to claim validator rewards in the form of OPEN ERC20 tokens, providing a tangible benefit for their contribution to the network's security and integrity.

  14. Support for Free Services: The pooling of resources through Xnode highlights its dedication to public welfare, providing support for free and open services to the wider community and furthering the democratization of data access. The Resource Aggregation Layer plays a pivotal role in this endeavor, as it will be utilized to host and support various Openmesh products, particularly the UnifiedAPIs. These APIs make data universally accessible, allowing anyone to access it from anywhere and at any time, completely free of charge. This commitment to making data freely available aligns with Xnode's mission to foster an open, collaborative, and inclusive digital environment.

  15. Network Effect and Enhanced Services: As more Xnodes contribute, the network grows stronger, offering better and more reliable services. This enhancement in service quality attracts more users, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and improvement. This means that the retention of node operators and Xnode users is critical to maintaining a healthy and viable ecosystem for Openmesh. Therefore, it's important to increase awareness about Xnode and to build a strong community around it. In 2024, our focus will be significantly directed toward these objectives, emphasizing community engagement and outreach to strengthen the network and foster its expansion.

Use cases

1. Xnode for Startups and Developers

  • Cost-Effective Infrastructure: Offers an affordable alternative to traditional cloud services, reducing financial barriers for startups and developers.

  • Scalable and Agile: Facilitates easy scaling of infrastructure needs with Xnode as startups grow, without significant upfront investment or long-term commitments.

  • Rapid Prototyping and Deployment: Accelerates the development process through quick setup, testing, and deployment of applications using Xnode's console.

  • Access to a Diverse Ecosystem: Provides startups and developers with a range of services and tools within the Openmesh network, fostering innovation and collaboration.

2. Renting Unused Compute Power and Earning Money

  • Individuals as Mini Data Centers: Allows individuals to rent out unused computational power and storage to the Xnode network, effectively turning personal computers into decentralized cloud infrastructure components.

  • Earning Passive Income: Offers a way to earn passive income in the form of OPEN tokens or other digital currencies by contributing unused resources, enhancing the network's computational capacity.

  • Flexible Participation: Enables users to choose when and how much of their computing power to rent out, providing control over their level of network participation.

3. Use Xnode as an Efficient Web3 Node Operator and Earn Fees for Providing Network Security and Computation

  • Efficient Web3 Operations: Facilitates running efficient Web3 nodes, such as Ethereum nodes, on Xnode units, offering a cost-effective solution due to lower fees associated with bare metal infrastructure.

  • Earning from Network Participation: Provides an opportunity to earn money from the Ethereum network or other blockchain platforms by participating in network validation, transaction processing, or smart contract execution.

  • Enhanced Network Security Contribution: Contributes to the security and robustness of blockchain networks, playing a vital role in maintaining network integrity and trust.

  • Cost-Effective Blockchain Engagement: Reduces operational costs for running blockchain nodes, making it more accessible for individuals and small businesses to participate in blockchain ecosystems.

4. Accessing Data from Openmesh Network on Xnode

  • Direct Data Access: Pull data directly from the Openmesh Network to your Xnode, bypassing conventional internet routes.

  • Cost-Free Data Transfer: Access this data without incurring additional internet service provider fees, making it an economical choice for data-intensive operations.

  • Enhanced Data Availability: Benefit from the decentralized nature of Openmesh, ensuring high availability and reliability of data access.

5. Decentralized Cloud Storage

  • Data Distribution: Store data across multiple Xnodes, enhancing data redundancy and security.

  • Enhanced Privacy: Offers a more private alternative to traditional cloud storage, as data is not centralized.

  • Resilience to Outages: Decentralized storage reduces the risk of data loss due to localized failures.

6. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Improved Content Delivery: Utilize Xnode's network to distribute web content, enhancing speed and reducing latency.

  • Geographical Reach: Cache content closer to users globally, improving user experience.

  • Cost-Effective: A more affordable CDN solution, especially for businesses with limited resources.

7. Data Analytics and Processing

  • Distributed Computing Power: Process large datasets and perform complex analytics using Xnode clusters.

  • Scalable Infrastructure: Scale computational resources as analytics needs grow.

  • Cost Savings: Avoid high costs associated with traditional data processing infrastructure.

8. Decentralized Application (DApp) Hosting

  • Resilient Hosting Solution: Host DApps on a distributed network, enhancing resilience and uptime.

  • Scalability: Scale DApps easily as user demand increases.

  • Developer Friendly: Deploy DApps without the need for centralized infrastructure, making it accessible for developers.

9. Decentralized AI and Machine Learning Model Training

  • Powerful Computational Resources: Use Xnode clusters for AI and ML training, especially for tasks requiring substantial processing power.

  • Data Privacy: Maintain data privacy during model training, crucial for sensitive datasets.

  • Cost-Effective Training: Reduce training costs compared to traditional cloud platforms.

10. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing and Streaming

  • Efficient File Distribution: Facilitate P2P file sharing and streaming, optimizing data transfer.

  • Incentivized Participation: Earn rewards for contributing storage and bandwidth.

  • Decentralized Media Distribution: Ideal for creators and media distributors seeking alternative distribution channels.

11. Permanent Storage and Data Redundancy

  • Reliable Backup Solutions: Use Xnode for secure and decentralized data backup.

  • Geographical Data Redundancy: Store data in diverse locations, mitigating risks of data loss due to regional issues.

  • Disaster Recovery: Provide robust disaster recovery capabilities for businesses.

12. Research and Academic Collaborations

  • Collaborative Research Platform: Share computational resources and data for joint research projects.

  • Diverse Research Fields: Beneficial for data-intensive research areas like genomics, climate modeling, or physics simulations.

  • Secure Data Sharing: Enable secure and private data sharing among research institutions.

Users & archetypes of Xnode

Individual Users

  • Developers (Devs): Building and testing applications, particularly in decentralized and Web3 environments.

  • Tech Enthusiasts and Hobbyists: Exploring decentralized technologies and peer-to-peer networks.

  • Freelancers and Independent Developers: Developing personal or freelance projects needing scalable resources.

  • Data Scientists: Handling large-scale data processing, analytics, and modeling for various applications.

  • Crypto Miners and Blockchain Enthusiasts: Engaging in cryptocurrency mining and blockchain node operations.

  • Quantitative Analysts (Quants): Conducting complex data analysis, financial modeling, and algorithm development.

  • Traders: Engaging in financial markets, requiring real-time data analysis and secure transaction platforms.

  • Financial Engineers: Developing financial models and strategies, often involving complex data and algorithms.

  • Entrepreneurs: Innovating and creating new businesses, particularly in tech and digital sectors.

Small Businesses

  • Startups: Seeking cost-effective, scalable infrastructure for growth.

  • Small Tech Companies: Needing robust infrastructure for software development and app hosting.

  • Web3 Companies: Developing and managing blockchain, cryptocurrency, and decentralized applications.

  • Hedge Funds: Engaging in financial trading and investments, requiring secure and efficient data processing capabilities.

  • Quantitative Trading Firms (Quant Firms): Specializing in algorithmic trading and requiring robust computational infrastructure.

Web3 Protocols and DAOs

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Platforms: Developing and managing decentralized applications and currencies.

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Operating with decentralized governance and decision-making processes.

  • NFT and Digital Asset Platforms: Managing and distributing non-fungible tokens and digital assets.

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms: Offering financial services on blockchain networks.

  • Web3 Developers and Innovators: Creating new applications and services in the Web3 space.

Large Enterprises

  • Large Financial Institutions: Utilizing decentralized infrastructure for secure transactions, blockchain applications, and extensive data processing.

  • Major Healthcare Providers and Hospitals: Managing patient data, telemedicine services, and large-scale healthcare operations on a decentralized network.

  • Large Retailers and E-commerce Platforms: Handling extensive online retail operations, requiring scalable infrastructure.

  • Regulatory Bodies and Large Law Firms: Overseeing compliance, legal aspects of technology use, and extensive data management.


  • Research Institutions: Conducting advanced research, particularly in data-intensive fields.

  • Academic Libraries and Archives: Using decentralized storage for preserving academic materials.

Available data

  • Crypto Exchanges: Data includes order books, trade details, transactional data, candlestick charts, tickers, as well as inflow and outflow information.

  • Public Blockchains: Information on block size, block events, asset transfers, wallet addresses, blockchain confirmations, and smart contract events is available.

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Comprehensive data covering all financial transactions, including wallets, assets, liquidity, value locked, asset transfers, and asset custody.

Coming soon (Q 32024)

  • Blockchain Metaverses: Contains information on metaverse assets, transactions, and user activities.

  • GameFi (Blockchain Games): Data on games, user assets, user activities, game asset classifications, asset transfers, and in-game transactions is available.

  • TradeFi & Financial Data: Global Stock Exchanges: Stock prices, market capitalizations, historical performance, and dividend details.

  • Public Medical Research Data: Disease databases, information on symptoms, prevalent rates, and treatments.

  • Scientific Data: Data on species studies, genetic information, and ecological findings.

  • Cancer Research Data: Records of tumor types, growth rates, and genetic markers.treatment efficacy, and various cancer treatments.

  • Agricultural Data: Data on global crop yields, farming practices, and seasonal trends, information on livestock numbers, health, and associated industries.

What are Unified APIs?

Unified APIs provide a single endpoint for all crypto & web3 data, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere, without any costs. There are no licenses, registrations, or setup fees involved.

Unified API Sub-Products:

  1. WebSocket: A streaming service offering live data on markets & blockchain.

  2. REST APIs: An archive for Web3 data, serving as historical data-as-a-service.

  3. GraphQL: This allows for the construction of schemas and enables users to specifically select the information or operations they require. Users can query to get precisely the data they've requested.

Data Available in Our Databases:

  • Crypto Exchanges: Data includes order books, trade details, transactional data, candlestick charts, tickers, as well as inflow and outflow information.

  • Public Blockchains: Information on block size, block events, asset transfers, wallet addresses, blockchain confirmations, and smart contract events is available.

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Comprehensive data covering all financial transactions, including wallets, assets, liquidity, value locked, asset transfers, and asset custody.

  • Metaverses: Contains information on metaverse assets, transactions, and user activities.

  • GameFi (Blockchain Games): Data on games, user assets, user activities, game asset classifications, asset transfers, and in-game transactions is available.

Applications of Unified APIs:

  • Developers: Can leverage Unified APIs to create and empower a multitude of web applications, mobile apps, dApps, and smart contracts.

  • Data Scientists: Can integrate Unified APIs into their data science workflows to facilitate analytics.

  • Financial Forensic Officers: Can amalgamate data to build cases on money laundering, especially when ERC20 assets are transferred between wallets, a process akin to what chainalysis performs.

  • Game Developers: Can utilize the GraphQL query service to craft a Play-to-Earn analytics app, highlighting top-trading game assets on Ethereum.

  • Start-ups: Those in the process of crafting a DEX aggregator can harness the power of live streaming data (via WebSocket) and GraphQL to optimize the smart order route for token swaps.

Use cases

WebSocket - Live markets & blockchain data (Streaming service)

  1. Real-time Crypto Trading Platform

  • Ideal Users: Cryptocurrency Traders.

  • End Customer: Individual and institutional investors.

  • Application: A real-time trading platform showcasing live crypto prices, order books, and transactions.

  • Difference with Unified API: Traders receive instantaneous data, allowing them to make informed trading decisions. Given that the API is free, the platform can offer premium features without passing on data acquisition costs to users.

  • Impact: Enables traders to make timely and informed decisions, potentially leading to better investment outcomes.

  1. Live DEX Price Tracker

  • Ideal Users: DeFi enthusiasts and investors.

  • End Customer: Users of decentralized exchanges.

  • Application: A platform that showcases live price differences across various decentralized exchanges.

  • Difference with Unified API: Instantaneous price updates from different DEXs, helping users find the best exchange rates.

  • Impact: Users can maximize their returns by swapping tokens at the most favorable rates.

  1. Real-time GameFi Dashboard

  • Ideal Users: Gamers and investors in GameFi.

  • End Customer: Players of blockchain games.

  • Application: A dashboard displaying live in-game asset prices, transactions, and activities.

  • Difference with Unified API: Gamers get real-time insights into asset values, helping them make in-game financial decisions.

  • Impact: Players can optimize their in-game strategies, potentially earning more from their gaming activities.

  1. Live Metaverse Activity Monitor

  • Ideal Users: Metaverse enthusiasts.

  • End Customer: Users and investors in metaverse platforms.

  • Application: A platform showcasing live metaverse activities, transactions, and asset movements.

  • Difference with Unified API: Users receive real-time updates on metaverse happenings, ensuring they stay informed.

  • Impact: Enables users to engage with metaverse events and assets more dynamically.

  1. DeFi Dashboard for Liquidity Providers

  • Ideal Users: DeFi liquidity providers.

  • End Customer: Participants in liquidity pools.

  • Application: A dashboard displaying live data on liquidity, asset transfers, and value locked.

  • Difference with Unified API: Liquidity providers can monitor their positions and yields in real-time, allowing for timely adjustments.

  • Impact: Providers can optimize their strategies, potentially maximizing their returns.

REST APIs - Web3 Data archive (Historical data-as-a-service)

  1. Historical Crypto Analysis Tool

  • Ideal Users: Crypto analysts and researchers.

  • End Customer: Individual and institutional investors.

  • Application: A platform offering historical crypto data analytics, like price trends over time.

  • Difference with Unified API: Analysts can access vast historical data without the burden of fees, leading to comprehensive analysis.

  • Impact: Enables deeper insights, fostering informed investment strategies.

  1. DeFi Historical Performance Tracker

  • Ideal Users: DeFi project teams and investors.

  • End Customer: DeFi project stakeholders.

  • Application: A tool analyzing the historical performance of DeFi projects, liquidity, asset transfers, and more.

  • Difference with Unified API: Project teams can evaluate their growth and trends without incurring data access costs.

  • Impact: Projects can refine their strategies based on past data, potentially leading to better future performance.

  1. Blockchain Game Performance Analytics

  • Ideal Users: Game developers and GameFi investors.

  • End Customer: Blockchain game stakeholders.

  • Application: A platform analyzing the historical performance of blockchain games - user engagement, asset trading, etc.

  • Difference with Unified API: Game developers can assess their game's history without added costs, fostering improvements.

  • Impact: Developers can refine game mechanics based on past user behavior, potentially enhancing user engagement.

  1. Metaverse Land Value Analysis

  • Ideal Users: Metaverse landowners and investors.

  • End Customer: Metaverse participants.

  • Application: A tool offering insights into the historical value of metaverse land parcels.

  • Difference with Unified API: Landowners can assess the historical value trends of their assets without incurring data costs.

  • Impact: Helps stakeholders make informed buying or selling decisions.

  1. Historical Blockchain Audit Tool

  • Ideal Users: Blockchain auditors.

  • End Customer: Blockchain projects and investors.

  • Application: A platform for auditing historical data on public blockchains, verifying transactions, smart contract events, etc.

  • Difference with Unified API: Auditors can conduct comprehensive audits without data access fees, ensuring thoroughness.

  • Impact: Enhances the integrity and trustworthiness of blockchain projects through meticulous auditing.

GraphQL - Constructing schema & enabling data selection

  1. Customized DeFi Analytics Dashboard

  • Ideal Users: DeFi analysts.

  • End Customer: DeFi enthusiasts and investors.

  • Application: A dashboard where analysts can pick specific DeFi data points they want to monitor.

  • Difference with Unified API: Analysts can tailor their data feeds, selecting only what's relevant, leading to efficient monitoring.

  • Impact: Allows for more personalized and streamlined DeFi analysis.

  1. GameFi Asset Monitoring Tool

  • Ideal Users: GameFi asset traders.

  • End Customer: Players and investors in blockchain games.

  • Application: A platform where users can select specific games

Last updated