Join OpenD/I Summit and Hackathon!

Openmesh OpenD/I Summit will be back in late 2024!

Introducing Open Access Data Infrastructure on 5th-7th Nov, ET. (2023)

In a world where a handful of major corporations control 90% of the globe's data and IT systems, concerns over trust in centralized entities resonate widely, impacting businesses and society at large. Information asymmetry spawns social inequality, scandals, polarization, and corruption, occasionally escalating to global conflicts.

Introducing Openmesh—an advocate for data democratization, strategically countering challenges posed by centralized control. In a landscape valuing the fundamental right to reliable, unedited information, Openmesh adopts a decentralized approach. Its open-source infrastructure, overseen by a dedicated community, ensures transparency and accessibility.

At its core, Openmesh is a full-stack, decentralized data cloud infrastructure that connects a global network of bare-metal servers. By covering roughly 80% of the crypto and web3 ecosystem, Openmesh's open data lake signifies a massive shift in how we manage and control our data, and their mission is to democratize data infrastructure by enabling anyone to create their decentralized data clouds.

OpenD/I Summit 2023: An embodiment of its commitment to innovation, Openmesh is set to host the OpenD/I (Open Data & Open Infrastructure) Summit from November 28 to 30. This virtual tech conference and hackathon serve as a convergence point for enthusiasts and experts, exploring key domains such as data, AI, web3, cloud, and web2/web3 infrastructure.

The OpenD/I Summit transcends the realm of a traditional event; it's a non-profit initiative uniting global innovators, thinkers, and change-makers in the tech industry. The summit addresses critical issues related to concentrated power over data and IT infrastructure, acknowledging their profound impact on shaping the next era of society.

Notable Participants: The OpenD/I Summit draws participation from notable projects and organizations, including Ethereum Foundation, Chainlink, Google, Microsoft, AWS, Fantom, Databricks, Snowflake, Confluent, ConsenSys, VMware, Protocol Labs, NEAR Foundation, The Apache Software Foundation, The Linux Foundation, Python Software Foundation, Akash Network, KPMG, Algorand Foundation, Aragon, MIT University, Government Blockchain Association, and 80+ other prominent web2 and web3 brands.

Hackathon Opportunities: The heart of the OpenD/I Summit lies in its hackathon, offering rewards exceeding $50,000. This platform is more than a competition; it's an opportunity for participants to showcase their skills and gain valuable industry experience. PEP (Professional Experience Program) hours are available for students, emphasizing the event's commitment to fostering the growth of aspiring tech professionals.

Four Challenges Await: The hackathon introduces four distinct challenges, each providing a unique opportunity for innovation and problem-solving. Stay tuned for upcoming posts, where we'll delve into the specifics of these challenges, providing participants with comprehensive information to prepare for this exciting competition.

Career Opportunities: Beyond the hackathon, Openmesh extends opportunities for career advancement, including full-time and part-time positions, along with paid internships. The OpenR&D platform, designed for decentralized team collaboration, serves as a hub for developers to contribute, learn, and grow.

Collaboration Invitations: Openmesh actively seeks collaboration with other teams for upcoming development requirements, showcasing their commitment to transparency by making their roadmap and development requirements public. Interested parties can explore the list of active open projects on the OpenR&D platform here.

In conclusion, Openmesh is driving change and creating a collaborative space for innovation, learning, and career advancement. The OpenD/I Summit 2023 is an opportunity to shape the narrative for our digital future, and Openmesh invites everyone on this transformative journey as we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the decentralized tech landscape.

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