Challenges & Prizes

The best solution to each of the challenges receives a team price of $5k paid in USDC on Ethereum mainnet. Each challenge also has additional rewards, the winner of challenge 1 gets $10000 in Cyberscope vouchers for smart contract audits, the winner of challenge 2 will get $5000 in other rewards and the winner of challenge 3 will get $1000 in Aiven credits and $5000 in other rewards! Challenge 4 is provided by HyperCycle, for which the winner will receive $12500 in Bounties & HyperAppliance hardware. The winners also might get the opportunity to join the Openmesh team.

The judging will be done based on the evaluation criteria outlined in the challenge document. DevPost will be used by the judges to vote. The judges consist of both technical members of Openmesh and external experts.


Last updated