What is the aim of this hackathon?

The hackathon aims to build a solution for one of the four ambitious challenges.

Who can participate in the hackathon?

Anyone who is interested and has relevant skills can participate. You can join as an individual or as a team.

What skills do I need to participate?

This depends on the challenge you want to take on. All challenges are made to require a different kind of technical skill set. Check the technical document of the challenge for the specific skills recommended. Team management and communication skills are important for each challenge.

How long will the hackathon last?

The hackathon will last for 4 weeks.


How can I form a team?

You are encouraged to form a team during the OpenD/I Day 3-day virtual event, which will be held before the start of the hackathon.

What are the technical requirements for the solution?

You can find these in the technical document of each challenge.

How will your solution be evaluated?

Solutions will be evaluated based on several features. These will result in a score for Technological Implementation, Design, Potential Impact, and Quality of the Idea.

What are the deliverables for the hackathon?

Deliverables include the complete source code of the solution, a working prototype or demo, comprehensive documentation, and a presentation summarizing the solution.

What will you gain from participating in this hackathon?

Participants will have the opportunity to learn from industry leaders, network with peers, innovate in data streaming, showcase their skills and solutions to a global audience, and contribute to the future of a rapidly growing space.

Where can you get help if I'm stuck during the hackathon?

A dedicated channel is available in the Discord for participants to ask questions and seek help during the hackathon. Experienced mentors will also be available to guide the participants.


What happens after the hackathon?

After the hackathon, successful projects will have the opportunity to present their solutions in front of a judges and global audience gaining exposure and winning prizes, potentially attracting further development support or funding.

Can we use external APIs or libraries in our solution?

Yes, you are allowed to use any external APIs, libraries, or blockchain tools that help you achieve the goal, as long as their usage complies with their respective licenses.

How many members can be in a team?

We suggest teams to have at least 3 engineers to ensure a diverse set of skills and knowledge. However, there's no strict upper limit. Please remember that larger teams will need more coordination.

Can I participate if I don't know how to code but I am interested in learning?

Yes, you are welcome to participate. While coding is an important part of developing a solution, there are other aspects such as idea generation, project management, system design, and documentation where you can contribute.

What if I don't have a team but still want to participate?

You are welcome to join as an individual. We also encourage participants to network and form teams during the OpenD/I Day 3-day virtual event before the hackathon begins.

Find a team

Will there be any prizes or incentives for the winners?

There are prizes and incentives for the most innovative and practical solutions. You can find more details on the Challenges & Prizes page.

Challenges & Prizes

How can I ensure my solution is good?

Participants can share the statistics of their solution in the Discord to see how they compare to others. They can also write to the OpenMesh team privately in case they do not want to share this information publicly.

Can I update my solution after the submission deadline?

No, updates or changes to the solution will not be accepted after the submission deadline. Please make sure your solution is finalized before the deadline.

Will there be an opportunity to improve on the solutions after the hackathon?

While the hackathon is time-bound, the journey of innovation doesn't have to stop there. We encourage participants to continue refining their solutions, and there may be further development support or funding opportunities for promising projects.

Who owns the IP of the solutions developed during the hackathon?

The IP of the solutions developed during the hackathon will remain with the individual or team that developed them unless stated otherwise in the hackathon rules.

Last updated